Sunday, August 17, 2008

Moments of peace

8-15-08 I had the day off today and I had a list of things to do, but the weather was just too beautiful to spoil with chores. I headed out with the GPS and my camera to make a few finds near home. I took my time and enjoyed being outdoors at "Blue Grass Cemetery" and "Road to Nowhere". The latter cache was right along the interstate, but on the edge of a farm which allowed for that reassurance of open land I find so hopeful. There were some butterflies flitting around the crops and the vines intertwining the barbed wire fence provided a few moments of peace.
I had a couple DNF's that afternoon even on second trips with the kids and J. We'll have to revist "Tee Up Time" and "Old Culs-de-Sac" some other day. We were on our way to have dinner with J's parents. We also visited St. John's and Rose Hill Cemeteries to see where all the family gravestones were located. We did make our second hide in the cache "ENTER for the PRISE" in an industrial area just off of Oak Grove. It wasn't all that exciting of a spot, but convenient to check on and to find. The action began quickly, too!

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