Sunday, August 30, 2009

We love Blue Grass!

8-30-09 The weather today was absolutely beautiful! The sun was shining and there were beautiful white clouds placed perfectly on a true blue sky. After mass this morning, we headed to Blue Grass with our canoe. We paddled for a little over an hour and took this opportunity to find a second island-based cache. We're the second ones to log this find. Fun!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


8-9-09 Jim suggested that we spend our last day of summer break picking up a few caches. In writing down some in the area, I noticed that one had just been published through the night and that no one had yet logged it as a FTF. We headed in that direction first to see if we could find the "Copycat Cache" (GC1X0ZB); It was published as "a new type of cache for this area" so we expected a challenge in finding this nano. We went to the area and Isaac began to search while we watched closely for muggles. Jim joined in the search and soon came up with it. With our breath held, we carefully unfolded the tiny log to see if we were the First To Find and sure enough we were!! High fives all around...and a photo to capture the milestone. By the time we got back home to log it on the computer, another team had entered a note that began, "Dang and double dang..." Boy do we know how that feels! It was fun to be the FTF this time.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Camping and Caching

8-1-09 K/V/G/E joined us for a two night camp trip at Lincoln State Park this weekend. On Thursday the campground got four inches of rain in just over two hours. Not a great start for our weekend, but between J/I returning from a youth outing and V getting home from work, we were late to arrive anyway. The rain at least muted the snoring in our camper! : ) We woke up to a beautful morning on Friday and went to Holiday World like everyone else who lives within a 300 mile radius; it's a busy place on one of the last weekends before school starts. Saturday, we stayed around the park for running, walking, hiking, biking, and cacheing...oh, and eating. We found 4 of about 13 caches we still have to find in the park, but decided to save a few for a geocaching event coming up in November.