Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Loon Pit aka "Canoe to Cache"

9-16-08 This cache has been calling my name since I first read about it months ago. What a great island-bound cache in Bluegrass. Jim was finally able to buy a canoe so we took it our for its maiden voyage on Loon Pit. This evening was Jim's valiant effort to help me out of a black hole I seem to be sinking in this week. His efforts weren't in vain-the fresh air, the perfect warmth of sunshine through cool winds, the beauty of a herron's flight, the glide of the canoe over still waters. God is good. I'd have liked to pack in a month's worth of food and a sleeping bag to hide out there until the dark clouds pass, but I guess that's not possible in "the real world". Anyway, back to the cache...the journey was good, the cache was trashed. It hadn't been found for many months (9 maybe?) and it was unsealed so water had staled in the ammo container and ants had invaded everything. We hated to leave it unrepaired, but we had no sack to haul it out and the ants were unbearable canoemates. Hopefully the cache owners will provide some maintenance and reset this one for others in need of a little respite from the world.

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