How did we spend the last day of summer break? Well, we started by going to mass and thanking God for the many blessing bestowed upon us this summer. From there, I. got to set up his locker and G. got to go play with a friend. After that, IJK went caching, of course. We found a few on our own and then we met up with Turtle362 at The Old Tunnel. It was so great to see so many people coming and going from the zoo. Amazonia opened this last week and the gatekeeper told us there were nearly 4,000 visitors yesterday alone.
We visited "Reitz Right 1" today at St. Joe Cemetery so we stopped by papaw's grave for a few minutes. Don't you know that he was watching over us and tagging along for the find! I remember him going out with his metal detector in hopes of finding treasure so caching would have been right up his alley!! : )
It took us a few minutes to find "Honored Dead" at Locust Hill-it was a good hide. J. found this stop interesting because the grave of Col. James Bethel Gresham is here. He was amoung the first casualties of WWI. J's been reading a lot of Shaara's books about the wars. I. recently found a cache "The Old Soldier" relating to this man, too.
"The Old Zoo" was another micro that I. zoomed in on after getting a hint from Turtle362. I sure thought it was going to be in the drain cover. Shows you what I know. : )
"Monkeying Around" was a huge cache in some woods that were pretty thick with poison ivy. Great trade items were on board, too bad G. wasn't here to enjoy that part. The owner had a camera on board which is a cool idea I hope to use sometime in a cache that we hide.
Made a quick grab of "The Eyes Have It" on the way to pick G. up from her friend's house.
We had a great time today. The weather is ideal. Back to school tomorrow.
Finally a profile of Ris
16 years ago
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